Since establishing a formal sustainability program in 2008, our allies have made significant progress. Our product portfolio emphasizes renewable and recycled materials. We use essentially all the wood that arrives at our virgin cardboard factories, either to manufacture cardboard or to produce energy through biomass. 

At our Unbleached Kraft (CUK) and Solid Bleach Sulfate (SBS) plants, we generate most of our electricity from renewable energy sources and send excess energy (where available) to the local power grid . Virtually all of our cardboard products are recyclable, and for those who are not widely accepted, we go to great lengths to collaborate with external stakeholders, including our customers and suppliers, to find innovative solutions to reclaim valuable fiber to manufacture new products.


We are witnessing unparalleled changes in our industry and on our planet. We understand that consumers more often insist that the products, and the packaging that protects them, come from a company they trust and reflect their values.

We have taken bold steps to advance our sustainability and social responsibility initiatives, including meeting ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease our dependence on fossil fuel-based energy, and use water responsibly. While we are proud of our progress, we continue to strive to achieve more ambitious goals as outlined in our 2025 Sustainability Vision.

Sustainability initiatives

Reduce the influx of water by 16% since 2008

Reduce the use of non-renewable energy to 10% since 2008

Increase the recovery rate of paper and paper-based packaging by 70% by 2020

Reduce gas emissions by 30% since 2008

This is part of our philosophy 

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